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Gerry Tymstra and Sunburst Entertainment make no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information posted herein, and Gerry Tymstra and Sunburst Entertainment assume no responsibility or liability regarding the use or misuse of such information.


Links or pointers in the Gerry Tymstra website to other Internet sites are provided as a courtesy only. Reference herein to any specific product, process or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Gerry Tymstra or Sunburst Entertainment. Gerry Tymstra and Sunburst Entertainment do not review information contained on linked sites and assumes no responsibility or liability for their content, accuracy, or compliance with applicable laws.

Copyright Notice

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Original Composition Audio Samples

Digital audio samples on this website are written, composed and performed by Gerry Tymstra. © 1998-2014 Gerry Tymstra All Rights Reserved.

Audio Samples

Digital audio samples on this website are recorded performances of Gerry Tymstra covering songs originally recorded by other artists. These samples are intended to demonstrate the artist’s sound so potential customers may evaluate the artist as an entertainment service provider. These demonstration sample performances are for personal use only, and may not be redistributed for commercial purposes. Full copyright, mechanical, and performance rights are held by the assigned rights holders and licensing agencies for each song in the Gerry Tymstra website audio sample selection.


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